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  • Writer's pictureKellen Lounsbury

Cultivate Your Mind

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

By Kellen Lounsbury

Cultivate Your Mind

The mind is a place where countless thoughts echo and reside. Some of these pass by, others linger around. These thoughts and how we interpret them largely make up how we see much of the world. How do you see the world? When you have a good day is it because of your own actions? When you have a bad day is it because of your own actions? The mindset that you have cultivated, is it within your control? What you think about and how you interpret it is up to you. The mind is a complex place where aspects like social environment, habitual thoughts, perception, interpretation, reaction, and the formation of our own mental syntax can play a huge role. Don’t just go through life reacting to what happens to you, waiting to make up your mind until the event occurs, or have a predetermined unconscious mental reactionary protocol for the way you deal with the events around you or emotional uproar. Cultivate a conscious mindset that aids you in your mission and purpose in life. This is what is important. This mindset will be the tool that builds all other areas of your life. It is quite easy to provide yourself a reason to give up. When we permiss ourselves to be subjected to poor habits and strangled at the fingertips of our thoughts, we give fear, insecurity, and randomized fate our control.

Digging deep always requires uncovering old demons, relics of your past, and unknown challenges, but with every excavation of a better self, you will discover traits, strengths, and life experiences you never thought you were possible of. Always striving to dig deeper and find the truest version of you. The version that you are happy with and content with. Self control isn’t just something you are born with, everyone has different ways of developing this. Like any quality, it can be cultivated through practice and persistence. The path with the least resistance never yields the greatest rewards, anything worth doing will have challenges but these challenges will also be more important to the self and your cause.

The art of persistence is a constant investment that requires you to pick yourself back up relentlessly, regardless of what life throws at you. You have to determine that what you want for your life is more important than the daily emotions that come with the voices telling you to quit, be stronger than those voices. Always be stronger than those voices. Embrace the challenges that come to you daily, rather than a curse, they are a blessing. A proving ground for you to build up this art of persistence. In order to make that investment you need something to invest, and that will always remain the choice to either remain in the same position in your life, or invest in a greater possibility. Don’t give the chaos a reason to hold you by a death-grip. We all lose our balance time to time, if we didn’t then we would be on a perfect path, and perfection never allows for growth, something perfect can never get better. Perfection is not the goal, but rather improvement. The mindset that you cultivate is like a garden, you will want to feed these plants the best quality food and water that you can. Your mind controls the way you perceive, the way you perceive controls the way that you react, and the way you react dictates how you decide to view a situation and how you’ll come to address it. Everyday is an opportunity to build a mindset that works for you, and not against you.

- K.



Relentless Fortitude, Strength, Motivation
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