By Kellen Lounsbury
Let me tell you a story about a man who held on when it was time to let go, when the relationship was failing, when he was fighting and when she was losing hope in the torch she held, he tried to light it ablaze but she insisted that it was impossible to catch another flame. He kept trying, he would bring her the moon, the stars and try to sing her the songs he did when they were young, but time was dwindling away and she was set in her ways. So he kept on singing, hoping and believing that maybe this melody would get through to her, that all they needed was that spark to set their love on fire once again. I wish I could tell you that it all worked out, but this is a story about a man who gave it everything before he let go. See the truth is- he had no control over what she decided to believe, that was up to her, she had to learn to see the light in things. Sometimes it’s easier just to move on to your next venture and forget what could have been. It’s the most difficult paths that yield the greatest rewards in life, though it’s also the smallest of things that stand out that could end up being the biggest blessings derived from the opportunity in your life.
I feel there comes a time, when we all realize that time is life, that these two things are one of the same. Whatever we may be fighting for, it is safe to say that wasting life away gets us no closer to what we actually desire. Less can be perceived as better than more, and sometimes less even grants us more personal freedom. It takes a huge amount of courage to walk away from something that holding onto otherwise can be toxic not only for yourself, but for those involved. Is holding on hurting you? Anything worthwhile will cause us pain in some way shape or form. The question really is, has it become toxic? Has it made your life miserable? Are you holding on because of comfort? Are you holding on because you don’t know what to expect? Are you holding on because you are scared to be alone? Maybe you are holding on because you don’t want this to end? Or perhaps you are holding on because you realize you don’t have any control over this situation and you are fighting to save it?
Sometimes we hold onto these beliefs because they give us a sense of hope that something may possibly change in the future. Seconds, minutes, hours and days will pass, years will flow by in the river of time and we cannot just watch the rapids and decide not to live. Do not stop living because of something beyond your control is taking course.
To have the ability of choice gives us the freedom to make decisions for our lives, this does not mean that there are no consequences to these choices, but rather that we have the ability to make a change in our own lives. Change means that you are required to adapt, that you may face discomfort and pain, but all at a better chance at a more stable and enjoyable life.
You have to be the one to decide what you will do. You may never have all the answers or receive all the answers that you are looking for, and this is okay. But ask yourself if this investment in this very moment worth the time I have left? This is not an unlimited amount of time, each choice you make is an investment. What will you invest in? Make the choice that feels right in your heart, and the one you know you should truly make, we all have a voice inside of us that knows what we truly want, listen close enough and you will hear it.
Moving on is never easy, but take your heart on your sleeve and your freedom in your hand and be brave in your pursuits and efforts. It is never easy to let go, and it never will be. Each moment that passes also holds an uncertainty for tomorrow, don’t lose hope, but also don’t waste your life away waiting forever. Eventually you’ll come to a crossroads, and when you find yourself staring down it, you will know what you need to do.
- K.