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Kellen Lounsbury, Kellen, Relentless Fortitude, Relentless Fortitude Motivation, Motivational Speaker


Kellen Lounsbury founded Relentless Fortitude in 2018 with the purpose of empowering people to seize control of their own destinies, unencumbered by outside influences. He encourages the development of a growth-oriented mindset that is founded on the principles of resilience and empathy.


Kellen is a strongman athlete and a dedicated university student in Occupational Therapy in Utica, New York. He finds pleasure in activities such as writing, reading, exploring the outdoors, delving into scientific concepts, pondering over philosophical ideas, and striving for personal development.

Relentless Fortitude, Strength, Motivation
Relentless Fortitude Motivation, Relentless Fortitude, Strength, Philosophy, Motivation
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